eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

PreferredLocationCodeType ( token )

Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request.

Type that uses PreferredLocationCodeType:

Call that uses one or more values of PreferredLocationCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
AvailableInCountryImplied Items available to the country implied by the site specified in the request. For the US site, this implies listings from ALL English-language countries that are available to the US.
BelgiumListing Items located in Belgium or listed on one of the two Belgian sites.
CustomCode Reserved for internal or future use.
ListedInCurrencyImplied Items listed in the currency implied by the site specified in the request.
LocatedInCountryImplied Items located in the country implied by the site specified in the request.
SiteImplied Items listed on the site specified in the request, regardless of listing currency.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.